Sunday, September 9, 2018


Hello all! This is another update in regards to my upcoming novel, to which I now have an official name to. It's called Straight to Video. The name derives from the plot of the novel, and it's also a take on my expectations as to how the novel will perform.

With that being said, I guess I'll start talking about the plot without giving away spoilers.

Synopsis: Told by the main character, Rezzy Leon, the novel revolves around a group of four friends who are in their senior year. As a senior tradition, some of their senior classmates produce a film that is shown on prom night. However, their senior year takes a roller coaster ride as vengeful juniors steal the film. Rezzy and his friends take up the task to retrieve the film to not only save prom night but their friendships and their diplomas as well.

It actually makes more sense when you read the novel, if I'm being honest.

As far as publishing goes, I did say in my previous update that I am self-publishing the novel. And depending on the publisher, that requires a significant amount of money to use their publishing services like editing and cover designing. Because of my financial situation, the services are unaffordable to me, which is why I'm going with my cheapest option, CreateSpace (Amazon).

With CreateSpace, almost everything is DIY (do-it-yourself). This varies from formatting to cover designing to editing to publishing among many other tasks in the process. This is where I ask YOU to come in. I'm not the best artist when it comes to book designing and I can't always rely on my own eyes when it comes proofreading the novel. So I'll need help, and it's because of that I'll be in need of an artist and book designer and beta readers. If you're interested in designing the cover and/or becoming a beta reader, email me at with the subject titled "Straight to Video Cover/Beta Reading." Any and all help is appreciated to make this book come to life in its best form possible, and for those who contribute, you'll be rewarded.

Anyway, here's what you need to know about Straight to Video:

Title: Straight to Video
Genre: Young adult fiction, humor
Publication Date: Q1/Q2 of 2019
Publisher: CreateSpace (Amazon)

I REPEAT: If you're interested in designing the cover and/or becoming a beta reader, email me at with the subject titled "Straight to Video Cover/Beta Reading."

Thank you all in advance.
